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Fluffy Lemon & Lavender Pancakes

Updated: Aug 4, 2022

Five lemon and lavender pancakes lay on parchment paper on a wooden cutting board. To the top left of the pancakes is a small bowl of maple syrup. To the bottom right are three sprigs of lavender.

What goes perfect on a gloomy, rainy summer morning? Fluffy lemon and lavender pancakes!

These fluffy pancakes provide a powerful, fragrant taste of lemon and lavender - the perfect spring-summer duo.

Close up of a lemon and lavender pancake on parchment paper on a wooden cutting board. The pancakes are sprinkled with lavender buds. A sprig of lavender lays to the left of the pancakes.

Video creds to my partner, Thomas! :)


Jul 25, 2022

Could you make these with dried lavender? If so, how would you incorporate them?

Aly - The Zesty RD
Aly - The Zesty RD
Jul 25, 2022
Replying to

Good question! I have yet to make this recipe using dried lavender, but I am sure you could. It is important to keep in mind that dried lavender is three times more potent than fresh lavender - so I suggest using less dried lavender than what the original recipe here calls for (maybe try 1-2 tsp). If you are looking for a good read/resource on cooking with lavender, I suggest checking out Bon Appetit's blog post:

I hope that helps! :)

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